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Influencer Marketing Software

Connect with top influencers, gain attribution, access reporting, and simplify influencer management.

Discover Influencers

Build an army of authenticated content with powerful discover tools.


Report & Track ROI

Analyze individual and campaign level metrics, sales, revenue, etc.


Manage Relationships

Send emails, ship products, repurpose content, and more.

Discover Influencers

Build an army of authenticated content with powerful discover tools.

Manage Relationships

Send emails, ship products, repurpose content, and more.

Report & Track ROI

Analyze individual and campaign level metrics, sales, revenue, etc.

LP - Influencer Marketing Software - PPC - B test 1
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Influencer Marketing Software

Connect with top influencers, gain attribution, access reporting, and simplify influencer management.

Discover Influencers

Build an army of authenticated content with powerful discover tools.


Report & Track ROI

Analyze individual and campaign level metrics, sales, revenue, etc.


Manage Relationships

Send emails, ship products, repurpose content, and more.

LP - Influencer Marketing Software - PPC - B test 2

GRIN + Uber Case Study

How did one person build Uber's robust TikTok community from scratch?

Find out here
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